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  • 09.03.2023
  • 1090

Date: 9 March 2023

Country/ Borrower: Republic of Uzbekistan

Title of Project: 52322-004/ Power Transmission Grid Enhancement Project


Name and Address of the Executing Agency:

Mr. Feruz Qurbonov, Deputy Chairman of the Board,

Attn.: Mr. Umid Turaev, Project Management Unit,

JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan”,

Street address: 42, Osiyo str.,

City: Tashkent,

ZIP code: 100 084,

Country: Uzbekistan,

Telephone: + 99871 236-66-16

E-mail address:, in cc.,


Brief Description of the Project:

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in order to finance of the Power Transmission Grid Enhancement Project. This project consist of upgrading the overhead lines and substations of high-voltage power grid of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 7 regions (Tashkent, Fergana, Kashkadarya, Bukhara, Surkhandarya, Samarkhand and Navoi) with a total length of approximately 345 km, and 4 - 220 kV substations Faisabod, Zafar, Obi-Khaet, and Zarafshan).


Brief Description of Works to be procured:

Package 1: Design, Supply, and Installation of the high-voltage transmission lines in 7 Regions of Uzbekistan, comprising of 3 lots

Lot-1 No.: OCB/EPC/HVTL-01/1: Design, Supply, and Installation of the high-voltage transmission lines in Tashkent and Ferghana Regions.

Estimated Value: $10,990,000

Procurement Method: OCB

Bidding Procedure: 1S1E

Lot-2 No.: OCB/EPC/HVTL-01/2: Design, Supply, and Installation of the high-voltage transmission lines in Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions.

Estimated Value: $23,720,000

Procurement Method: OCB

Bidding Procedure: 1S1E

Lot-3 No.: OCB/EPC/HVTL-01/3: Design, Supply, and Installation of the high-voltage transmission lines in Samarkand, Bukhara and Navoi regions.

Estimated Value: $23,140,000

Procurement Method: OCB

Bidding Procedure: 1S1E


Package 2: Design, Supply, and Installation of Substations in 3 Regions of Uzbekistan

Estimated Value: $37,040,000.00

Procurement Method: OCB

Bidding Procedure: 1S1E


Interested bidders from ADB member countries who wish to obtain additional information may contact the above-mentioned officer.


PMU “ADB investments”

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»