Information for 2019–2024 is available at this link
Investment project "Construction of 125 km of 500 kV Sarimay - Dzhankeldy high voltage transmission line"
  • 16.03.2022
  • 1172

The project is implemented on the basis of the following resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan: - Resolution No. PP-5001 of February 28, 2021 "On measures to implement the investment project" Construction of a wind power plant with a capacity of 300-500 MW in Peshku district of Bukhara region" - Resolution No. PQ-5003 of February 23, 2021 "On measures to implement the investment project" Construction of a wind power plant with a capacity of 500 MW in Gidjuvan district of Bukhara region " in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 30, 2021 No. PP-72 "On approval of the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 and the introduction of new approaches and mechanisms for managing investment projects"

The project is aimed at providing external power to wind power plants with a capacity of 500 MW, as well as the development of renewable energy sources and reducing the use of natural gas.

Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) for Sarimay-Dzhankedy Transmission

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA): Volume I - Non-Technical Summary

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA): Volume II - ESIA Report

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA): Volume IV – Framework Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP)

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA):Volume V - Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA): Volume VI - Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Framework

✍️ Investment Attraction and Investment Projects Implementation Department

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»