Results for Contract Awarding on consulting services of technical supervision and project implementation support under the component 2 power grid modernization
  • 13.11.2023
  • 148

Results for Contract Awarding on consulting services of technical supervision and project implementation support under the component 2 power grid modernization (modernization of 22 existing priority substations and construction of the new
500 kv «Koltsevaya» substation, overhead transmission lines 220 kV and 500 kV)

No.: ESTART/CS-3/2

Project Name: «Electricity Sector Transformation and Resilient Transmission» (ESTART)

Funding source: World Bank

Lot Reference No: ESTART/CS-3/2

Evaluation Currency: USD

Procurement Method: Quality And Cost-Based Selection (QCBS)

Procurement Type: Consulting Service


Awarded Consultant(s):


Technical scores: 80,65

Financial Proposal Price: 1 673 720,00 (EURO)

Evaluated Financial Proposal Price: 1 764 100,88 (USD)

Combined score: 84,52

Contract Price: 1 673 720.00 (EURO)


Evaluated other Consultant(s):


Name: GOPA-International Energy Consultants GmbH ("intec") (Germany)

Technical scores: 79,84

Financial Proposal Price: 2 998 386,00 USD

Evaluated Financial Proposal Price: 2 998 386,00 USD

Combined score: 75,64


Name: Consortium "Ginger SOFRECO – RTE International" (France)

Technical scores: 81,16

Financial Proposal Price: 2 999 607 USD

Evaluated Financial Proposal Price: 2 999 607 USD

Combined score: 76,69


Name: WAPCOS Limited (India)

Technical scores: 78,16

Financial Proposal Price: 1 956 000,00 USD

Evaluated Financial Proposal Price: 1 956 000,00 USD

Combined score: 80,57


Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»
