Results for Contracts Awarded on Procurement of auxiliary cabinets on Lot No. 17
  • 23.05.2023
  • 252

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations.

Project Number: MUTS/ICB/2016


Funding source: World Bank

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations

Lot No.: MUTS/ICB/2016-17

Evaluation Currency: USD

Procurement Method: International Competitive Bidding (ICB)

Procurement Type: Goods


Awarded Bidder:



Bid price at bid opening: 4 850 009.00 USD

Evaluated Bid Price: 4 892 773.75 USD

Contract Price: 4 850 009.00 USD


Evaluated Bidder(s):



Bid price at bid opening: 4 850 009.00 USD

Evaluated bid price: 4 892 773.75 USD


Name: LLC «Zavod NVA» (Uzbekistan)

Bid price at bid opening: 7 995 002.00 USD

Evaluated bid price: 8 074 774.50 USD


Name: YEO Energy Industry Solutions (Uzbekistan)

Bid price at bid opening: 8 677 129.47 USD

Evaluated bid price: Not accepted for evaluation


Bidders whose bids were rejected


Name: YEO Energy Industry Solutions (Uzbekistan)

Bid price at bid opening: 8 677 129.47 USD

Reason for rejection: Noncompliance with technical specifications


Information service of JSC «National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan»
