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Results for Contract Awarded on Procurement of Autotransformers and Power Transformers on Lot No. MUTS/ICB/2015 Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations
  • 13.03.2023
  • 580

Results for Contract Awarded on Procurement of Autotransformers and Power Transformers on Lot No. MUTS/ICB/2015

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations.

Lot Number: MUTS/ICB/2015


Funding source: World Bank

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations

Lot No.: MUTS/ICB/2016-15

Evaluation Currency: USD

Procurement Method: International Competitive Bidding (ICB)

Procurement Type: Goods


Awarded Bidder:


Name: Shandong Electrical Engineering & Equipment Group Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 6 203 000.00

Evaluated Bid Price: 6 322 156.00

Contract Price: 6 203 000.00


Evaluated Bidder(s):


Name: TBEA Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 7 850 131.49

Evaluated bid price: 9 932 949.88


Name: Consortium “CHTZ-CHINT-SVEL” (Uzbekistan-China-Russia)

Bid price at bid opening: 9 553 306.00

Evaluated bid price: 10 563 627.92



Bid price at bid opening: 55 233 784.00 UZS

Evaluated bid price: not accepted for evaluation


Bidder whose bid was rejected



Bid price at bid opening: 55 233 784.00 UZS

Reason for rejection: Failure to provide the required package of documents in accordance with the terms of the Bidding document.


Project Implementation Unit “Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations”

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»