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Report on the business trip of 8 employees of the JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan” (NEGU) to the institute “Hitachi Energy Switzerland Ltd” (Switzerland)
  • 01.08.2022
  • 728

Duration of the business trip: June 27 to July 1, 2022.

Organizational basis of the business trip: an agreement signed on June 12, 2022 between the JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan” and the Hitachi Energy Switzerland Ltd institute; Order No. 146 dated June 22, 2022 JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan”.

List of employees: Ibragimov R., director of the branch “Namangan Main Power Grid”; Baymukhammedov A., director of the branch “Tashkent Main Power Grid”; Safarboev R., director of the branch “Khorezm Main Power Grid”, I. Safarov, director of the branch “Energo – IT”, Abduganiyev I., specialist of the 2nd category of the Project implementation group of JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan”, Mukimov M., SCADA project manager, Imomkhodzhaev S., head of the sector of central service of relay protection and automation, Turapov L., specialist of the 2nd category of the central service of relay protection and automation of NEGU.

Topic of the training: “Digitalization in Power Grid”.

The purpose of the business trip: study of foreign experience in the process of digitalization of the power grid complex.

Results: During the official trip, the importance of digital substations today and their efficiency in the power grid, specific difficulties in their operation, potential risks and modern management software were studied. In the simulation laboratories of the Institute's training center, the processes at the substation were created virtually, and the substation was controlled online.

First day of the trip

  On the first day of the business trip, employees of NEGU visited the training center of the Hitachi Energy Switzerland Ltd Institute in Baden, Switzerland. At the beginning of the training session, a presentation about the Hitachi Energy Switzerland Ltd Institute and its activities was shown. During the presentation, special attention was paid to the production of power devices, relay protection devices, automation and communication for substations, as well as special software for monitoring and control, including LUMADA APM, LUMADA EAM and LUMADA FSM programs.

  After that, qualified specialists of the training center provided basic information on the introduction of digital technologies in the electric power industry, “digital solutions”, digital telecommunication systems and digital management.

  LUMADA is Hitachi's suite of advanced digital data solutions, services and technologies to drive digital innovation. This complex can receive primary data from SCADA, ERP, own systems such as LUMADA APM, LUMADA EAM and LUMADA FSM for analysis and recommendations.

  Second day of the trip

  The main topic of the classes on the second day of the service trip was acquaintance with the international standard IEC 61850 and types of synchronization in the substation.

  IEC 61850 is an international standard that defines communication protocols for communication between various devices located in a substation, such as protection, control and measurement equipment, and intelligent electronic devices (IEDs).

  Since its first version, this standard substation has made great strides in managing communication networks and systems.

Communication protocols IEC 61850

  While Internet Protocol frameworks provide a secure way to transfer data, they are relatively slow for real-time systems. Therefore, this standard speeds up the process for different protocols:

MMS ( Manufacturing Messaging Specification - specification of production messages): widely used for configuration monitoring and data exchange between microprocessor devices and a SCADA system;

GOOSE ( Generic Object - Oriented Substation Events - general object-oriented substation events): used for mutual exchange of messages between microprocessor devices;

SV ( Sampled Measured Values - selective measured values): provides fast and reliable transmission of measurement, protection and control values from current and voltage transformers in the power system.

  IEC 61850 describes how devices interact in a substation and the corresponding system requirements. Time synchronization (Timesync) is the synchronization of the date and time of all devices on the network. Synchronization is very important in time sensitive digital substation applications. This indicator is listed as an important requirement of the IEC 61850 standard.

Third day of the trip

  On the third day of the tour, we studied the architecture of a digital substation. At the same time, the control of power devices at a digital substation was modeled (performed) in a special laboratory.

The substation system architecture is divided into 4 levels:

1) Network level - network level;

2) Station level — the station level where operations, engineering functions and reporting take place;

3) Bay level — the bay level where system protection and control functions are implements;

4) Process level — the process level where signals from CTs and other transducers are transmitted.

  The switching process at the substation was created virtually in the simulator laboratory of the training center. In this case, it is important to first provide the program with a description of the devices, the relationship of switching devices and the sequence of their connection.

Fourth day of the trip

  The next day of the business trip was devoted to the study and analysis of the workflow of the Merging Unit, which is the main element of the digital substation.

  The analog signal converter block is designed to collect analog signals from voltage and current transformers and transfer data in digital form to other relay protection devices and process control systems.

Fifth day of the trip

  On the last day of training, testing and certification laboratories, communication and cybersecurity centers of the Hitachi Energy Switzerland Ltd Institute were visited and their activities were studied.

  In conclusion: today, when information technologies and digital programs are developing at a rapid pace, an urgent task is to introduce digital technologies and digital substations into the energy system of Uzbekistan based on world experience.

Reporter on behalf of the team of specialists sent on mission:

Ismoil Abduganiyev, Specialist of the Projects Implementation Group (PIU) of JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan

Information Service of NEGU