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Electricity Sector Transformation and Resilient Transmission - ESTART (P171683) Terms of Reference Social Specialist at the Project Management Unit
  • 29.11.2021
  • 958

Joint Stock Company “National Electrical Grid of Uzbekistan”


  1. Project background

  The Government of Uzbekistan has confirmed that energy sector reforms should remain the main and most important development priority, considering its role and contribution to the country’s economy.

  In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 16.09.2017 № PD-3284 "On measures to implement the investment project MUTS "with the participation of the World Bank" the project "Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations"(MUTS), is being implemented by JSC National Electrical Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU). The Government of Uzbekistan has requested the World Bank’s continued support to the energy sector, including institutional and market reforms.

  The Project is financed by own funds of JSC National Electrical Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) and The World Bank’s financial sources, such as credits IDA 59160, IDA 59170 and Loan IBRD 86640 and being implemented in accordance with Presidential Decree the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-3284 and PD-3981.

  In the transmission subsector in Uzbekistan, there are 75 HV (220–500 kV) electricity transmission substations. According to a technical audit conducted, 62 substations require modernization and replacement of electrical equipment because of obsolete technology and aging.

  In accordance with Presidential Decree No. PD-3981 dated 23.10.2018 “On measures for accelerating development and ensuring financial sustainability of the electric power industry” and Aide-memoire of the World Bank mission dated 13.02.2020 the project “Electricity Transmission System Modernization and Market Development” will be implemented by JSC National Electrical Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) with the participation of the World Bank.

  A. The first stage “Modernization and Upgrade of Transmission Substations” of the current Project has been implemented since 2017 and will continue until the end of 2022. The first stage consists of two components:

  ♦ Electricity Transmission System Upgrade (This component will support rehabilitation and upgrade of 22 existing substations of 220 kV and higher voltage in Uzbekistan’s national grid.);

  ♦ Institutional Development and Technical Assistance (This component will cover activities designed to support institutional development of the JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan, including but not limited to, corporate governance enhancement of the JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan; International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) transition support and audits; key sector studies for further development of the energy sector; and capacity building and training).

  The project development objective (PDO) on this stage is to improve the technical efficiency and reliability of the power transmission networks in Uzbekistan.

  B. The second stage “Electricity Sector Transformation and Resilient Transmission” (ESTART) of the current Project has been started. This stage consists of four components:

  ♦ Component 1: Digitalization of the electricity transmission sector;

  ♦ Component 2: Power grid strengthening and modernization;

  ♦ Component 3: NES Institutional development and project implementation support; and

  ♦ Component 4: Electricity market development.

  The Project Development Objective on this stage is to improve the reliability of power transmission system and operations of the newly established transmission company in order to support electricity market creation in Uzbekistan.

  The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) prepared for ESTART covers the relevant ESSs of ESF, and the World Bank Group’s Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines, Environmental and social commitment plan (ESCP), a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and Labor Management Procedures (LMP), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), ESMPs.

  The PМU is responsible for implementation of social measures in accordance with the procedures set forth in the ESCP, ESMF, SEP, RPF, ESMPs and LMP prepared for ESTART.

  This Terms of Reference (TOR) is developed to provide an overview of the generic tasks for which the Social Specialist is responsible. The TOR focuses on responsibilities related to ensuring compliance with the Bank’s ESF policies; however, the Social Specialist’s responsibilities may go beyond these.

  The Social Specialist will work closely with the PМU, World Bank and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that the Project and selected subprojects are managed efficiently and in compliance with the approved overall objective, the approved Project’s ESCP, ESMF, SEP, LMP, RPF, ESMPs, the Project's Legal Agreements and Financing Agreements, and the Project Operating Manual (POM). Consultant, always aligned with the Project Implementation Unit Manager (Project Manager) and in collaboration with the other Project Officers shall interact and liaise with other relevant ministries and stakeholders, several other external bodies, Bank, partners, and other agencies in Uzbekistan.

  Important note: For making a specific experience for this Project, an employee hiring for new PMU of the second stage (called “Electricity Sector Transformation and Resilient Transmission”) of the current Project shall work in cooperation with existing PMU staff within the framework of the first stage of the Project.

  The Social Specialist will be placed in the Project Management Unit (PMU) of ESTART and will be under the direct supervision of the Project Manager

  2. Objective of the Assignment

  The objective of this assignment is to ensure coordination and implementation of social risk management measures in compliance with the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) and the Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) of the World Bank and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This will include planning, implementation, and monitoring all Project’s social activities by components, in close cooperation with the PIU’s staff and other stakeholder agencies as described in the POM.

  The Social Specialist will support the PМU in preparation of social due diligence documentation for the overall Project, as per the Project’s ESCP, ESMF, SEP, LMP, RPF, POM, and ESMPs. These documents guide screening, assessment, and management of social issues for activities / subprojects during Project implementation, while taking into account and ensuring compliance with the national regulation and relevant ESS for this Project, which are:

  • ESS 1 - Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts;
  • ESS 10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure.
  • ESS 5 – Land acquisition  and restrictions on land use and involuntary resettlement, and
  • ESS 4 - Community Health and Safety;
  • ESS 3 - Resource and Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management;
  • ESS 2 - Labor and Working Conditions;


  3. Scope of Work

  The Social Specialist is required to conduct social screening and preparation of the project ESF documents in consultation with the World Bank and PМU. The specific functions and responsibilities of the Social Specialist will be:

  • Ensure implementation of project implementation with the ESCP, ESMF, RPF, ESMP, SEP, LMP and other relevant ESS requirements and documents.
  • Coordinate the social screening and development/updating of resettlement plans.
  • Oversee compliance by all project contractors with good social practices adopted by the Project (including stakeholder consultation, beneficiary feedback, gender sensitivity, etc.), and with the project ESMPs, RPF and any RAPs.
  • Undertake regular field visits to project sites to assess social impacts and verify social monitoring information provided in the reports of contractors and implementing partners, including photo documentation as applicable.
  • Preparation of regular ESF related monitoring reports for the PMU,
  • Ensure the SEP considers vulnerable groups and GRM.
  • Informing all beneficiaries and project affected people about the complaint handling system through regular information channels used by the project,
  • Coordinate the establishment of site specific GRM and GRM for workers working on construction sites.
  • Delivery of trainings on social safeguards if necessary
  • Other actions to enable the Project to meet the social requirements within the legal framework of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in accordance with the Bank’s ESF.


  4. Experience and Qualifications

  The Social Specialist suitable for this position should have the following qualifications:

  ♦ Graduate/advanced degree in social sciences, land management, and natural science, or other related discipline.

  ♦ Minimum of 3 year of relevant professional and applied experience, including social safeguards, involuntary resettlement, social risk management in investment projects financed by International Financial Institutions (IFIs)

  ♦ Applied experience in preparation Resettlement Plans, ESMP, ESMF and other relevant Social Safeguards documents.

   ♦ Experience in conducting socioeconomic surveys among PAPs

  ♦ Knowledge of international good practice for management of social risks, including World Bank ESF, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards and knowledge of safeguards standards of other IFIs will be an advantage.  

  ♦ No obstacles for traveling within Uzbekistan for various field trips.

  ♦ Good analytical skills, ability to think strategically, analyze and synthesize diverse qualitative and quantitative socially related data and information.

  ♦ Excellent spoken and written Uzbek and English. Russian skills will be an advantage.

  ♦ Computer skills, including Microsoft Office, Google maps, other graphical mapping software


  5. Rights

  The Social Development Specialist will have the following rights:

  • To receive information necessary for investment projects from enterprises, directorates and sections of JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan;
  • To be on construction site in compliance with Safety Instructions and Emergency control schemes;
  • To represent the PMU on meetings, conferences, committees on ESF;
  • To have an extra holiday or additional payment when overworking as applicable.
  • To advance in skills on courses and workshops.


  6. Duration of assignment:

  The Social Specialist will be engaged on full time basis for the duration of the Project with a probation period of [3] months. The Expected Closing Date of the Project is 31 January 2028.

  The candidate will be hired for the Project and Grant(s) implementation period. The contract with the selected candidate to be hired under these ToRs will be subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate during the probation period of 6 months.

  7. Reporting Obligations

  The Social Specialist will be primarily required to report, at least once per month (monthly) or as necessary according to Project activities and timeline, to the Project Manager for approval.

  The Social Specialist should provide/submit monthly Time Sheets to Project Manager within 10 (ten) days after the end of month for which the report is due. The Consultant shall proactively prepare ad-hoc reports on any major social issues arising during Project’s implementation, at the PМU or WBG’s request.

  The Social Specialist will provide electronic copies of any documents and technical materials developed during the Project in their original electronic format to PIU. The reports will be provided in the English language.


  8. Services to be provided by the client

  The PМU will be responsible for provision of the following:

  ♦ Fully equipped office space, with access to Internet, local telephone line, printing, photocopying and document binding.

  ♦ Access to necessary documents; and

  ♦ Where the Social Specialist is required to travel, to site or elsewhere in accordance with the PMU instruction, all travel costs.


  9. Terms of payment

  Salary conditions will be discussed at the end of the interview.

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»