Results for Contracts Awarded on Procurement of line coupling fittings and insulators on Lot No. 7/1
  • 22.04.2021
  • 581

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations.

Project Number: MUTS/ICB/2016


Funding source: World Bank

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations

Package Lot No: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/1

Evaluation Currency: USD

Procurement Method: International Competitive Bidding (ICB)

Procurement Type: Goods


Awarded Bidder(s)

Name: JSC “YuAIZ”

Bid price at bid opening: 1 900 000.01

Evaluated Bid Price: 1 900 000.01

Contract Price: 1 900 000.01


Evaluated Bidder(s)

Name: JSC “YuAIZ” (Russia)

Bid price at bid opening: 1 900 000.01

Evaluated bid price: 1 900 000.01


Name: Xian Electric Engineering Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 1 654 127.24

Evaluated bid price: 1 687 209.78


Name: SUMEC Complete Equipment & Engineering Co.,Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 2 080 000.00

Evaluated bid price: 2 080 000.00


Name: TBEA Co., Ltd

Bid price at bid opening: 2 152 265.00

Evaluated bid price: 2 195 310.30


Name: JSC “O'zelektroapparat-Electroshield”

Bid price at bid opening: 3 205 578.08

Evaluated bid price: 3 205 578.08


Bidders whose offer was rejected

Name: Xian Electric Engineering Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 1 654 127.24

Reason for rejection: Non compliance with technical specifications and 


Name: SUMEC Complete Equipment & Engineering Co.,Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 2 080 000.00

Reason for rejection: Non compliance with technical specifications


Name: TBEA Co., Ltd

Bid price at bid opening: 2 152 265.00

Reason for rejection: Non compliance with technical specifications


Name: JSC “O'zelektroapparat-Electroshield”

Bid price at bid opening: 3 205 578.08

Reason for rejection: Non compliance with technical specifications

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»
