Information for 2019–2024 is available at this link
  • 22.10.2019
  • 968



     A foreign investor has the right to:


  • independently determine the volumes, types and directions of investment;
  • conclude agreements with legal entities and individuals for implementing investment activities;
  • to own, use and dispose their investments and results of investment activities. By decision of a foreign investor, the right of possession, use, disposal of investments, their results may be transferred to other legal entities and individuals in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • independently decide on patenting abroad and in the Republic of Uzbekistan of inventions belonging to it, utility models and industrial designs obtained as a result of investment activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • independently and freely dispose of income (including its unimpeded repatriation) received as a result of investment activities;
  • to attract funds in the form of loans and borrowings to the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • use funds in national currency on their accounts for the purchase of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market;
  • acquire rights to land plots in cases and on conditions stipulated by the legislation;
  • use the property and any property rights belonging to it on the basis of property rights as a security for all types of obligations undertaken by it, including obligations aimed at raising borrowed funds in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • receive adequate compensation in the case of requisitioning of its investments and other assets;
  • to receive compensation for losses caused as a result of illegal actions (inaction) and decisions of the state governing bodies, local government bodies and their officials.


     In the Republic of Uzbekistan, there are no restrictions on investments in the context of industries or regions in which direct foreign investments are directed.




Press service of Joint Stock Company

«National Power Grid of Uzbekistan»: +998 71-208-5598; 71-236-6808