The meeting was held with representatives of «State Grid China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co., Ltd» (PRC) company
  • 16.06.2023
  • 295

June 16, 2023 JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan» held a meeting with representatives of the company «State Grid China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co., Ltd.» (PRC) headed by the General Director of the Global Business Division.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the possibility of further implementation of the stages of cooperation within the framework of the signed «Road Map» during the summit on May 18-19 this year in Xian. Various options for financing from the Chinese side of energy projects were considered.

Cooperation between NEG of Uzbekistan JSC and State Grid China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co., Ltd. is an important step towards achieving the energy goals of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the use of modern technologies, as well as the creation of new jobs.

The parties expressed their readiness for further cooperation and contribution to the development of the energy sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan..

Division of International Cooperation

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»
