Free vacancies
Attention, open new vacancies! Requirements for candidates and their functional duties as part of the selection of employees for the Investment Project Implementation Group JSC "National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan"
  • 22.04.2020
  • 1225

Project Implementation Group “Construction of a 500 kV power transmission line Surkhan-Puli-Khumri (Khoja-Alvan)” funded by the Asian Development Bank


Number of vacancies

Requirements and functional responsibilities for Applicants


Project Manager



  • Degree in technical field

  • Work experience  at least 3 years

  • Proficiency in English and Russian


  • Determine the scope of necessary work for the development and implementation of the project.

  • Define and document dependencies between jobs.

  • Assess the duration of work and make a critical path.

  • Define the charter, goals, objectives and results of the project.

  • Participate in the development of a detailed business plan.

  • Estimate the cost and determine the project budget.

  • Monitor and track development and implementation activities and, if necessary, adjusts these processes.


Construction/Planning Manager



  • Degree field of construction of energy facilities

  • Work experience at least 3 years

  • Proficiency in English and Russian


  • carrying out planning and monitoring of the preparation and equipment of the construction site;

  • carryieng out planning of construction  production at the construction site in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection.

  • monitors the implementation of measures at the construction site to instruct and comply with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

  • Prepare initial data for the preparation of enterprise plans and submits them to the immediate supervisor.

  • Carrying out, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, the development of individual sections of the plan, performs calculations and justifications for them.

  • Keep records and controls the implementation of individual stages of the plan; accumulates and processes performance indicators of planned tasks, prepares analytical notes, reference materials according to the results of control and submits them to the immediate supervisor.

  • Prepare reports on time.


Financial Manager



  • High level of professional knowledge in the field of financial analysis and modeling, accounting and budgeting;

  • Ability to plan ahead;

  • Possess organizational skills, ability to work with people, official and professional ethics;

  • Proficiency in English and Russian

  • Work experience  at least 3 years


  • Carry out a budget for the income and expenses of the project;

  • Monitor project costs in accordance with the approved budget;

  • Carry out a financial analysis of profitability, with the preparation of data for approval by the Head Office;

  • Carry out planning of cash flow of the project in accordance with the adopted plan / budget;

  • Participate in the preparation of presentations for project managers

  • Perform work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of management information;


Purchasing Manager



  • Degree in technical field

  • Work experience at least 3 years

  • Proficiency in English and Russian


  • Ensures the availability of goods for their product groups in the optimal quantity and assortment.

  • Conducts a search for suppliers, examines new offers from suppliers, prepares informed proposals for attracting new suppliers for management.

  • Negotiates with suppliers and negotiates delivery terms with the line manager.

  • Draws orders to suppliers.

  • Tracks order completion.

  • Monitors the performance of obligations to suppliers.

  • Provides documentation of transactions.

  • It monitors sales for each product and, in the event of sales deterioration, together with the marketing department, develops and takes measures to reduce the product balance.


FIDIC Contract Manager



  • ensuring compliance with draft legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular in the field of construction, electric power and civil legislation;

  • legal support in the implementation of investment projects, including an assessment of the legal risks of project implementation, to participate in the development of a contract strategy, various types of contracts (EPC, EP + C, EPCM, FIDIC contracts);

  • Monitoring, processing and analysis of all incoming and outgoing correspondence (protocols, letters, technical solutions, agreements, contracts, etc.) in the execution of contracts, agreements, memoranda by the contractor to identify legal risks, inconsistencies and violations;

  • monitoring the execution of concluded agreements, agreements, memoranda with the aim of minimizing legal risks, compiling a map (table) of legal risks, identifying violations of contracts, interacting, correspondence with contractors, suppliers, structural units of the Partnership.




Operations and Maintenance Manager





  • decrees, orders, orders, methodological and regulatory documentation for maintenance and repair of equipment;

  • prospects for the technical development of the enterprise;

  • organization of repair work and equipment maintenance;

  • methods of planning repair work;

  • fundamentals of economics, organization of production, management and labor;


  • Take part in checking the technical condition of equipment, the quality of repair work, as well as in accepting equipment newly arriving at the enterprise, and, if necessary, draw up documentation for its decommissioning or transfer to other enterprises.

  • Arrange repair work

  • To carry out the development of perspective and current plans (schedules) of construction

  • Monitor the implementation of approved plans (schedules).

  • Promote the implementation of integrated regulated maintenance systems that ensure the timely installation and commissioning of equipment and materials

  • To monitor the activities of the enterprise units involved in the construction work and equipment testing, compliance with the rules of operation, maintenance and supervision.

  • Develop measures aimed at improving the organization of maintenance and repair of equipment, at reducing the complexity and cost of repair work, improving their quality, increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets (increasing wear resistance and reducing equipment downtime).


Social and Environmental Manager



  • Higher education in the relevant discipline

  • Work experience at least 3 years

  • Proficiency in English and Russian


  • To monitor compliance with the current environmental legislation, instructions, standards and norms for environmental protection in the draft, helps to reduce the harmful effects of production factors on the life and health of workers.

  • Develop projects of promising and current plans for environmental protection measures, monitor their implementation.

  • Participate in the environmental impact assessment of feasibility studies, expansion and reconstruction projects of existing facilities, as well as new technologies and equipment being created, development of measures for the introduction of new equipment.

  • Take part in research and experimental work on the treatment of industrial wastewater, the prevention of environmental pollution, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the reduction or complete elimination of technological waste, and the rational use of land and water resources.



Civil engineer




  • Higher education in the field of construction of energy facilities

  • Work experience at least 2 years

  • Proficiency in English and Russian


  • Carrying out technical supervision of construction and installation work, acceptance of work and completed facilities.

  • Monitoring the progress of the implementation of construction plans, the compliance with the volumes, terms and quality of construction and installation works, as well as the quality of the materials used, products, structures of the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes and standards, standards, technical conditions, labor protection standards.

  • Participate in resolving issues of introducing changes to projects in connection with the introduction of more advanced technological processes, space-planning and structural solutions that ensure cost reduction and improve the technical and economic indicators of construction and reconstruction facilities.

  • Take part in the consideration and coordination of changes in design decisions that arise during construction, quickly resolves issues related to the replacement, if necessary, of materials, products, structures (without reducing the quality of construction objects).




Substation Engineer





  An engineer is obliged to know and be guided in his activities:

  • “Rules for the use of electric energy”;

  • “Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers”;

  • “Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations of consumers”;

  • “Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations”;

  • “Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations”;

  • “Rules for the installation of electrical installations”;


  • Participating in the development of current and future plans for preventive maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of substations, the development of testing programs, inspections and commissioning of electrical equipment.

  • Analyzing the operation of substation equipment, the results of tests conducted on it, prepares reports on the operation of the equipment and conclusions on the test results.

  • Carrying out constant monitoring of the correct maintenance and repair of substation equipment, as well as the observance by personnel working at the substation, of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks, safety rules, applicable regulations and other documents.

  • Controlling the correct maintenance of passports of electrical equipment of substations.

  • Developing technical measures to improve the reliability and efficiency of substation equipment, improve substation electrical circuits, upgrade equipment, and introduce new methods for repair and maintenance of substations.

  • Maintain technical documentation in the scope of the approved list.





Engineer for power transmission lines






  A high voltage power line engineer should know:

  • organizational and administrative, regulatory, methodological documents on the operation of high-voltage power lines;

  • Rules for the technical operation of power plants;

  • Rules for the installation of electrical installations;

  • Rules for the protection of high voltage electrical networks;


  • Carrying out technical and organizational support for the operation of high-voltage overhead (VL) and cable lines (CL) for the transmission of electrical energy (power transmission).

  • Prepare draft plans for schedules for inspections, repairs and maintenance of overhead lines and cable lines and monitors their implementation.

  • Prepare and agrees with interested parties schedules for disconnecting overhead lines and cable lines for conducting scheduled work on them.

  • Carrying out regular and extraordinary rounds (detours, overflights) of overhead lines and cable lines, tests and measurements of their technical parameters, records detected malfunctions, deviations from the requirements of the rules and instructions for use, labor protection, protection of electric networks from unauthorized influences of third parties, controls the timeliness of their elimination.


Social Protection Specialist



  • Higher education in the relevant discipline

  • Work experience at least 3 years

  • Proficiency in English and Russian

  • know and comply with the operating rules of equipment, instruments and equipment with which he works, as well as the rules of safety, labor protection, fire safety;


  • Monitoring compliance with the current environmental legislation, instructions, standards and norms for environmental protection in the draft, helps to reduce the harmful effects of production factors on the life and health of workers.

  • Take part in research and experimental work on the treatment of industrial wastewater, the prevention of environmental pollution, the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the reduction or complete elimination of technological waste, and the rational use of land and water resources.

  • Monitoring compliance with the technological regimes of environmental facilities, analyze their work.

  • Monitoring compliance with environmental protection rules, the state of the environment in the area of ​​the enterprise.





Environmental Specialist






  An environmental engineer (ecologist) needs to know:

  • ecological legislation; - systems of environmental standards and regulations;

  • production and organizational structure of the enterprise and its development prospects;

  • technological processes and production modes of the enterprise;

  • the procedure for environmental review of preplanned, predesign and design materials;


  • Monitoring compliance with the current environmental legislation, instructions, standards and norms for environmental protection in the draft, helps to reduce the harmful effects of production factors on the life and health of workers.

  • Develop projects of promising and current plans for environmental protection measures, monitor their implementation.

  • Participate in the environmental impact assessment of feasibility studies, expansion and reconstruction projects of existing facilities, as well as new technologies and equipment being created, development of measures for the introduction of new equipment.

  • Monitor compliance with environmental protection rules and the state of the environment in the area where the enterprise is located.

Project Implementation Group “Modernization and reconstruction of substations of trunk networks”with World Bank funding


Number of vacancies

 Applicant Requirements and functional responsibilities







  The economist should know:

  • Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials for planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise;

  • Organization of planned work;

  • The procedure for developing prospective and annual plans for the economic, financial and production activities of the enterprise;

  • Proficient in English and Russian (proficiency is above average)


  • Carrying out work on the implementation of the economic activities of the project aimed at improving efficiency, achieving high final results with the optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.

  • Preparing initial data for drafting the economic, financial, industrial and commercial activities of the enterprise within the framework of the project, in order to timely implement the investment project.

  • Performing calculations of material, labor and financial costs necessary to prepare the necessary reports to authorized bodies or to the financing Bank.

  • Carrying out an economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, as part of the project;



Specialist for equipment




 The equipment specialist should know:

  • Organizational and administrative, regulatory, methodological documents on the operation of equipment and devices, equipping energy facilities

  • Rules for technical operation of power plants and networks of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Rules for the installation of electrical installations;

  • Rules for working with personnel in electric power organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, their technical requirements;

  • Proficient in English and Russian (proficiency is above average)


  • Preparing draft plans and schedules for repairs, audits, preventive maintenance on equipment and devices, monitors the implementation of approved plans and schedules.

  • Carrying out systematic accounting and quality control of work, the actual loading of equipment, communication channels and telemechanics at peak times of the day (periods of the year), and keeps records of their work.

  • Participating in the investigation of the causes of technological violations in the operation of devices, injuries, the development and implementation of measures to prevent them.

  • Analyzing the technical condition of equipment and devices, the reliability and reliability of the transmitted signals in normal and emergency conditions, the availability of production with means and communication channels, the conformity of the technical level and modern information technologies in the electric power industry.

  • Preparing proposals, participates in the preparation of technical specifications and initial data for designing, reviewing and preparing comments on development and modernization projects, and improving the technical level of operation.

  • In accordance with the decisions of the management of the organization of the electric power industry, it oversees the installation of new and reconstructed ones, and takes part in accepting them from overhaul and installation.


Specialist in Ecology and Social Protection



  Specialist in ecology and social protection should know:

  • Environmental legislation; - systems of environmental standards and regulations;

  • Production and organizational structure of the enterprise and its development prospects;

  • Technological processes and modes of production of the enterprise;

  • The order of environmental impact assessment of preplanned, predesign and design materials;

  • Proficiency in English and Russian


  • Monitoring compliance with the current environmental legislation, instructions, standards and norms for environmental protection in the draft, helps to reduce the harmful effects of production factors on the life and health of workers.

  • Developing projects of promising and current plans for environmental protection measures, monitor their implementation.

  • Participating in the environmental impact assessment of feasibility studies, expansion and reconstruction projects of existing facilities, as well as new technologies and equipment being created, development of measures for the introduction of new equipment.

  • Monitoring compliance with environmental protection rules and the state of the environment in the area where the enterprise is located.

  • Preparing and submitting in accordance with international standards of all necessary environmental reporting, such as the environmental protection report, social protection report, etc



Monitoring specialist




  • Ability to find, collate and integrate materials from colleagues, collaborating institutions and stakeholders;

  • Proven experience and technical skills in the field of monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by international financial institutions. Experience in education is preferred.

  • Ability to share knowledge and experience, as well as achieve the goals of the project;

  • Ability to conduct integrated policy development and evaluation of implementation, the ability to critically analyze the current situation and potential scenarios, to collect comprehensive information on unresolved issues and goals; evaluate it accurately and identify key issues needed to solve problems;

  • Ability to work in different institutions on the basis of cooperation;

  • Education: Higher education in the fields of social sciences, political science, management, public administration, business administration, economics or related fields.

  • Work experience: At least 2 years of work experience in public administration / social protection;

  • Language requirements: excellent knowledge of Russian and Uzbek languages; good knowledge of English;


  • Regularly providing the World Bank and the government with information on the achievement of the project development goals indicators;

  • Monitoring project implementation in accordance with the Financing Agreement and strictly follow the project monitoring and evaluation plan;

  • Assisting hydraulic fracturing in monitoring and evaluation of the Project;

  • Help the hydraulic fracturing coordinator to control the activities related to the Project as much as possible;

  • Preparing and sending to the World Bank a regular report on project implementation in English and in a format acceptable to the World Bank. The report will reflect, inter alia, the progress of the project in connection with the goals set, the problems that it encountered during the reporting period, as well as the steps taken and proposed to solve these problems, to ensure compliance with the Financing Agreement and the measures provided for next reporting period;

  • Submitting materials for the Project Completion Report within six months after the completion of the project;

  Ensure compliance with the relevant instructions of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the World Bank.

  • Cooperating with executive units to obtain the necessary information to monitor project implementation;

  • Preparing of project monitoring reports in accordance with the requirements of the World Bank;

  • Data collection for monitoring indicators of the structure of project results.


● Employment in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

● Work in an office located in the city center;

● Salary level by agreement

(fixed rate + performance bonus).

Place of work: Tashkent, Yunusabad district, st. Osiyo, house number 42. Landmark: Yunusabad hokimiyat.

Contact by phone: 71-236-6831; 71-236-6851; 71-208-5674.

CV should be sent to:;

