Results for Contracts Awarded on Procurement of cables and wires, buses and cable structures on Lot No. 7/2/1 Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations.
  • 05.11.2021
  • 631

Project Number: MUTS/ICB/2016

Funding source: World Bank

Project Name: Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations

Package No: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2

Lot No.: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2/1

Evaluation Currency: USD

Procurement Method: International Competitive Bidding (ICB)

Procurement Type: Goods

Awarded Bidder:

Name: Chongqing Taishan Cable Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 17 994 200.43  

Evaluated Bid Price: 17 994 200.43  

Contract Price: 17 994 200.43  

Evaluated Bidder(s):

Name: Chongqing Taishan Cable Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 17 994 200.43 

Evaluated bid price: 17 994 200.43 

Name: TBEA Co., Ltd (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 19 065 245.80

Evaluated bid price: 19 065 245.80

Name: Xian Electric Engineering Co., Ltd. (China)

Bid price at bid opening: 24 078 449.90

Evaluated bid price: 24 078 449.90

Name: JV LLC «KABEL TECH ENERGY» (Uzbekistan)

Bid price at bid opening: 21 066 245.78

Evaluated bid price: 21 066 245.78

Name: JV LLC «PROCAB» (Uzbekistan)

Bid price at bid opening: 18 964 487.14

Evaluated bid price: 18 964 487.14

Bidders whose bids were rejected:

Name: Xian Electric Engineering Co., Ltd

Bid price at bid opening: 24 078 449.90

Reason for rejection: Noncompliance with technical specifications


Bid price at bid opening: 21 066 245.78

Reason for rejection: Noncompliance with prequalification criteria and technical specifications


Bid price at bid opening: 18 964 487.14

Reason for rejection: Noncompliance with prequalification criteria and technical specifications

Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»
