Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations
  • 01.07.2021
  • 1334

Specific Procurement Notice (SPN)

The Republic of Uzbekistan


Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations

Procurement of cables, wires, buses and cable structures, metal products, reinforced concrete products

IFB Number-MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2        

  1. The JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan” has received a loan from the World Bank toward the cost of “Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations” project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments for procurement of cables, wires, buses and cable structures, metal products, reinforced concrete products within the framework of the above mentioned project.


  The identification number of ICB: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2


  The names and identification numbers of Lots:

  Lot 1. Procurement of cables, wires, buses and cable structures

  The identification number of the Lot is: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2/1


  Lot 2. Procurement of metal products

  The identification number of the Lot is: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2/2


  Lot 3. Procurement of reinforced concrete products

  The identification number of the Lot is: MUTS/ICB/2016-7/2/3

Bidders may apply for one or more lots, so each lot would be considered, evaluated and the contract is awarded separately for each lot accordingly.

  2. The JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan” now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for supplying the above-mentioned equipment.

  3. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: published in May 2004, revised in October 2006, May 2010 and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Guidelines.

  4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Project Implementation Unit “Modernization and upgrade of transmission substations” at the address given below: JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan”, Osiyo str.42; e-mail: pmu.modernization@gmail.com

  5. Qualification requirements: 

  During the past 5 years the Bidder must have successfully completed 1 - 3 contracts, cumulatively amounting to at least the value of the bid price offered, and involving supply of similar equipment similar to that offered in the bid (Annex 1,2,3), and provision of similar related services (installation and  warranty services) for such equipment.

  In case the related services will be carried out by the Bidder’s authorized Agent(s), the respective Agent(s) must have successfully completed at least 1 contract for delivering similar related services - installation and warranty services – to multiple locations.

  In the evaluation process, with the exception of the experience of the Bidder’s authorized Agent(s) – if the case, the experience of Bidder’s sub-contractors will not be added-up to bidder’s experience in order to meet the similar experience requirements. The Bidder should meet the qualification requirements for similar experience on its own.

  In case the Bidder is a Joint Venture all partners will meet the requirement cumulatively.

  Documents required:

  In order to demonstrate it meets the required experience, the Bidder and its authorized Agent (if the case) shall furnish information regarding contracts completed as follows: purchaser name and address, country, name and object of the contract, date of contract completion, equipment and detailed related service supplied, contract amount, contract role (prime supplier, subcontractor, partner in Joint Venture) and the value of services executed by the bidder.

  The Bidder and its authorized Agent (if the case) will also provide the Acceptance Certificates/ Delivery Protocol or equivalent (“copy conform with the original” signed for conformity by their authorized representative) to demonstrate the successful completion of the respective contracts.

  Financial capacity to perform the contract

  The Bidder must have the financial capability to assume the responsibility for the proposed contract as evidenced by an annual average turnover over the past three (3) years (i.e. 2018, 2019, 2020) of not less than:


  Lot 1: 20.0 mln. USD or its equivalent

  Lot 2: 1.5 mln. USD or its equivalent

  Lot 3: 2.0 mln. USD or its equivalent


  In the case of a bid covering multiple lots, the annual average turnover of the Bidder over the past three years must be no less than the total of the required annual average turnover amounts per each lot, as covered by the bid.

  Documents required:

  The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, such documentary evidence, in the form of “Profit and Loss Account” statement or equivalent, endorsed by authorized accountant, demonstrating the annual turnover for each of the last three (3) years.

  - Must provide a detailed description of its existing control system and demonstrate conformity or equivalence to ISO 9001 by attaching a copy of the certificate.

  - If information is missing in the bid of the Bidder and will not be provided on time indicated in the clarification request by Purchaser, the Bidder's bid may be disqualified.

  6. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English, Russian may be obtained by interested bidders on the submission of an Application for bidding documents by downloading it from the official website www.uzbekistonmet.uz, www.devbusiness.com and www.tenderweek.com. After receiving the application, within 2 working days the set of bidding documents will be sent electronically. The application for a set of bidding documents must be sent to the email address: pmu.modernization@gmail.com

  7. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before August 19, 2021 at 11:00 am (Tashkent time). Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below on August 19 at 11:00 am (Tashkent time). All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” in a form of bank guarantee in the below mentioned amount for each lot or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Uzbek sum.

   Lot 1 – 150 000 USD

   Lot 2 – 30 000 USD

   Lot 3 – 50 000 USD


  8. The address for bid submission and bid opening:

  Address: Mirzo Ulugbek district, Osiyo street, 42

  JSC “National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan”

  Floor/ Room number: second floor, room No. 301

  City: Tashkent

  ZIP Code: 100000

  Country: Republic of Uzbekistan

  Phone: 99871 236 68 64

  Email: pmu.modernization@gmail.com

Note: An international tender has been held,

the results can be found at the links below:




Information service of JSC «NEG of Uzbekistan»

